How Wolfi’s Bike Shop Transformed Their Staff Into Experts on 50+ Brands

How Wolfi’s Bike Shop Transformed Their Staff Into Experts on 50+ Brands

Brand Training
The Results
increase in platform user engagement triggered a 44% increase in sell-through


increase in platform user engagement triggered a 44% increase in sell-through

increase in sales when training content was actively engaged with


increase in sales when training content was actively engaged with

increase in sales via an active user audience on the platform


increase in sales via an active user audience on the platform

Wolfi’s Bike Shop (WBS) is the leading distributor for everything bicycle-related in the Middle East. WBS represent some of the finest global brands catering to the latest in high-end bicycle technology, apparel and equipment. They aim to successfully meet the demands of a variety of cycling enthusiasts, from children and beginners right through to competitive riders.

Wolfi’s Bike Shop trains their internal staff and their retail partners’ sales associates using Myagi by Rallyware, an app-based sales enablement platform that promotes collaboration between retail partners and wholesalers – and allows companies to take control of their knowledge supply chain.

We sat down with Robert Diehl, General Manager at WBS, to discuss how Myagi by Rallyware is enabling him and his team to deliver quality training on over 50 brands, every single day.

Training Challenges

The training challenges for a retailer that works with dozens of leading brands while managing their own store in Dubai can be enormous. Speaking about the organization’s training methods before Myagi by Platform, Robert explained:

“We used to operate within closed Facebook groups. We would have a different closed Facebook group for our various retailers. And as an admin of the group, I could post links to interesting articles or content about the products and brands we sell. As we work across so many countries and so many brands, face-to-face training can be a huge expense and very inconvenient. So Facebook groups were a way to really try and get as much information out as we could.”
Robert Diehl
Robert Diehl
General Manager, Wolfi’s Bike Shop

While the Facebook groups were opening up a new line of digital communication for WBS, the amount of admin that was being created by these groups proved difficult to manage.

“It became a bit of a mess. If I had 10 different groups for our 10 biggest accounts, I was then needing to post a link or material 10 different times. When you represent as many brands as we do, you are soon posting a huge amount of content. That, of course, would start a conversation in the group, which is great for the community feel. But that meant I had to chase and reply to all these different people—it became really difficult. ​It was also had to get the people we needed into the groups. You might think, in this day and age, “who doesn’t have a Facebook account?” but in our operating region, there are still a few people who don’t. So if I can’t get the mechanic on board, for example, it’s a real frustration—most people here are just using their email.”
Robert Diehl
Robert Diehl
General Manager, Wolfi’s Bike Shop

WBS wanted a solution that let them easily manage and distribute large volumes of content from multiple brands. This meant being able to quickly share content across multiple different channels, as well as the ability to organize and target knowledge towards the groups and individuals that need to see it.

A Clearer Concept

Robert first heard about Myagi by Rallyware when Go Sport, a large sports retailer based in the Middle East, went live with the platform. Robert watched the implementation process firsthand and was instantly interested.

“The concept was really clear for me. It was straightforward what you were trying to achieve and it made a lot more sense for what I need to do as a distributor. A lot of other platforms we’ve looked at require you to build a sort of separate website for each different group we want to reach, or brand we want to push. It requires a lot of expense and a lot of work from our side in the back end. That’s just not the case with Myagi.”
Robert Diehl
Robert Diehl
General Manager, Wolfi’s Bike Shop

​Now that WBS had a single communication tool for both their retailers and their own staff, Robert set about creating his education network within the platform. In fact, Robert had found the platform so intuitive and straightforward, that he had set up the WBS account and loaded it with content before receiving their onboarding call.

“[Myagi by Rallyware’s] accounts team actually sent me a link saying, “Here’s your logins, you can have a look at how things operate. We’ll do an onboarding call, and we’ll explain in detail how it all works,” but at that stage I was already fully running because it was very intuitive, very easy to figure out, so I already had my own content posted and people invited by the time we even had the onboarding call. No time to waste!”
Robert Diehl
Robert Diehl
General Manager, Wolfi’s Bike Shop

Features Tell, Benefits Sell

Now fully set up on the Myagi network, Robert leveraged his expertise in the field to create a content strategy that enabled him to represent WBS effectively.

“We have this saying at WBS, “features tell, benefits sell,” a lot of the marketing material I have access to from brands is mainly around the features. So we complement this with our own videos, something that is more sales focussed and an asset to sales associates. I like to distribute the content on a regular basis to keep the training interesting and to ensure staff comes back to more content when they visit. If I drop all the content at once, they can just binge it and not take all the information in. I like to make the quizzes enough to be challenging but also easy enough that associates tend to pass the lesson. That way they feel good about the training, and it also creates some great competition amongst the store colleagues.”
Robert Diehl
Robert Diehl
General Manager, Wolfi’s Bike Shop

The Results

Robert’s vision for WBS’s training method using Myagi has driven some astonishing results. In the first 5 months of training alone, over 1600 hours of training has been undertaken on WBS channels within the platform. WBS content has an amazing 9.7/10 rating from staff undertaking their training. Additionally, WBS are ranked 1st in engagement amongst other brands and distributors in the same operating network.